Rocks-Off Silhouette Dark Desires Kit

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9 610 Ft


Rascal Rabbit

Delightful and Oh so daring this gorgeous little mischief maker will soon have you bunny hopping with pure pleasure.

Pleasure Me

Elegant and sleek this sublime vibe makes it a perfect fit for your first, most intimate and irresistible moments.

Tease n please

7 addictive sinful settings of pure ecstasy are yours to have with this powerful pleasure bullet.

Sensory velvet soft body safe silicone.
Internal and external stimulation.
7 powerful functions.
100% waterproof.
Body safe.

Cikkszám: ROCKS00347


További információk

Tömeg 018 g


Súly (Kg)


Availability: Elfogyott SKU: ROCKS00347 Kategória: Címkék: ,